
This class provides static methods for saving data to PlayerPrefs (securely and unsecurely), unsecurely to JSON files or securely to *.data files and methods for loading data from there.

Available methods

public static bool SavePrefsSecurely<T>(string key, T data)

This method saves custom data of type T into PlayerPrefs with certain key. In case if data has not serializable type, it will not be saved and method will return false. This method encrypts data by AES symmetric algorithm.


if (!DataSaver.SavePrefsSecurely("CurrenciesState", currenciesState))
    Debug.Log("Cannot serialize currenciesState!");

public static bool LoadPrefsSecurely<T>(string key, out T data)

This method loads custom data of type T saved in PlayerPrefs with known key. In case if this key isn't presented in PlayerPrefs, it returns false.


if (!DataSaver.LoadPrefsSecurely("CurrenciesState", out currenciesState))
    Debug.Log("Currencies state was not found!");

public static void SaveData<T>(T data, string fileName)

This method saves custom data of type T into JSON file with given fileName. In case if data has not serializable type, it will not be saved and method will return false. File will be stored in persistent application data path, on Windows it will be "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\Heroicsolo\Heroic Engine\" directory.


DataSaver.SaveData(knowledges, Guid + "_knowledges");

public static bool SaveDataSecurely<T>(T data, string fileName)

This method saves custom data of type T into encoded *.data file with given fileName. In case if data has not serializable type, it will not be saved and method will return false. File will be stored in persistent application data path, on Windows it will be "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\Heroicsolo\Heroic Engine\" directory. This method encrypts data by AES symmetric algorithm.


// Save percetron weights and bias to file
private void SaveModel()
    ModelData modelData = new ModelData(inputWeights, outputWeights, hiddenBiases, bias);
    DataSaver.SaveDataSecurely(modelData, guid);

public static bool LoadData<T>(string fileName, out T data)

This method loads custom data of type T from JSON file with given fileName. File should be stored in persistent application data path, on Windows it will be "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\Heroicsolo\Heroic Engine\" directory. In case if file was not found, it returns false.


private void LoadKnowledges()
    if (!DataSaver.LoadData(Guid + "_knowledges", out knowledges))
        knowledges = new AIKnowledgeBase(); = new List<AIKnownSolution>();

public static bool LoadDataSecurely<T>(string fileName, out T data)

This method loads custom data of type T from encrypted *.data file with given fileName. File should be stored in persistent application data path, on Windows it will be "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\Heroicsolo\Heroic Engine\" directory. In case if file was not found, it returns false.


if (DataSaver.LoadDataSecurely(guid, out ModelData modelData))
    inputWeights = modelData.GetWeights();
    hiddenBiases = modelData.hiddenBiases;
    outputWeights = modelData.hiddenWeights;
    bias = modelData.bias;

Last updated