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This component allows to turn your character with humanoid skeleton to ragdoll mode.
You should not add this component manually, use Tools/Heroic Engine/Components/Add Ragdoll option in Editor menu as shown below
After this, Ragdoll component will appear on your character gameobject.
This component will be added only in case if gameobject with Animator and Humanoid rig was selected in scene hierarchy!
Animator – animator of humanoid character; this field will be automatically assigned by RagdollAdder utility
Hips – hips rigidbody of humanoid character; this field will be also automatically assigned by RagdollAdder utility
Ragdoll Mode At Start – if enabled, ragdoll mode will be activated automatically when character gameobject becomes active on scene
This method sets ragdoll mode. If enabled, character Animator will be disabled and skeleton will become completely physical. Otherwise, Animator will be active and bones will be moved by animations.
Hehe, what can be more funny than pushing ragdoll? This method applies certain force to the character body with certain direction and automatically activates ragdoll mode on it.
This method applies certain rotation force to the character body and automatically activates its ragdoll mode.
Btw, you can see how it works on example scene which can be launched by the most top button in main menu.