Tic Tac Toe
This is classic Tic Tac Toe game, but AI opponent is controlled by simple one-layered self-learning neural network.
Last updated
This is classic Tic Tac Toe game, but AI opponent is controlled by simple one-layered self-learning neural network.
Last updated
Here you can see how to work with:
Perceptron Scriptable Object class
AIBrain class
DataSaver class and its secure/unsecure data writing/reading methods
To launch this mini-game, enter Playmode from LoadingScene and click appropriate button in main menu.
To investigate this mini-game implementation, open scene located in Assets/Heroic Engine/Example/Scenes/TicTacToeSample.unity
After that, you can select SampleBot gameobject in scene hierarchy and look into its inspector parameters. Here you can find AIBrain component and see how it was set up.