Scenes Loader

Presented by ScenesLoader class, this system assists you in work with game scenes.

To use this system, inject ScenesLoader class into your class, as shown below:

[Inject] private ScenesLoader scenesLoader;

Parameters in inspector

mainMenuSceneName – main menu scene name. Scenes Loader will load this scene in case if you call ToMainMenu() method. Default value: "MainMenuScene".

loadingLabel – TextMeshProUGUI text label on loading screen, where loading progress will be displayed.

loadingBar – Image of loading bar, which indicates scene loading progress.

minLoadingTime – minimal loading time in seconds; time delay between scenes will not be lesser than this amount. Default value: 2 seconds.

Available methods

void ToMainMenu()

This method returns user to main menu scene. Scene loading process is asynchronous.

void LoadSceneAsync(string name)

This method asynchronously loads scene with name.



void LoadSceneAsync(string name, Action callback)

This method asynchronously loads scene with name and invokes callback action afterwards.


scenesLoader.LoadSceneAsync(levelName, () => { uiController.ShowUIParts(UIPartType.InGameHUD); });

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